Music Education in Nigeria: Problematic Issues of Cultural Diversity and Juxtaposition of Cultures

  • John Ajewole University of Lagos, Nigeria


This article examines music education in Nigeria with a close look at the issues of cultural diversity. The study objectives centred on the history of music education in Nigeria; Indigenous (Traditional) music education in Nigeria and Western music education in Nigeria. Some useful information concerning this study was got from some books, journals and classroom experiences as a music educator who has taught in Nursery, primary and secondary schools, taught in the College of Education and at the University level to support my research evidence. The outcome of this study reveals that music education in Nigeria could be traced to the singing of hymns in the church by the earlier pioneer of Christian Missionaries that visited Nigeria. Traditional music education (indigenous) had been in existed for so many years before the advent of Christian missionaries. Today, western music education could be seen dominating indigenous music education in our educational system in Nigeria. The paper concludes that music education in Nigeria will be improved upon when it is not considered in isolation from its social context (society need) and from other arts with which it is looked upon. The nature of music education in Nigeria should centre, promote and be relevant to Nigerian indigenous music. The paper recommends that music educators in Nigeria should adopt an intercultural approach that will enhance better performance of music education in all its ramifications.

Keywords: Music, Education, Indigenous, Western, Culture.

How to Cite
AJEWOLE, John. Music Education in Nigeria: Problematic Issues of Cultural Diversity and Juxtaposition of Cultures. NIU Journal of Humanities, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 61-69, june 2024. ISSN 3007-1712. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 oct. 2024. doi: